National inheritance rules vary considerably from one Member State to another (for example, who inherits, what are the hereditary portions, the legitimate ones and the reserves, how wide is the freedom to test, how is the hereditary flow to be administered, how wide it is the responsibility of the heirs for debts, etc.). Thus,… Read more »
Category: Noticias
Mortgage debt moratorium due to the COVID-19 crisis
At Andreu & Alenda Abogados we want to inform you of one of the main novelties of Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, of March 17, on extraordinary urgent measures to face the economic and social impact of COVID-19, which provides for a moratorium on the payment of mortgage payments for particularly vulnerable groups. Who can… Read more »
The self-employed and the crisis of COVID-19

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization elevated the public health emergency situation caused by Covid-19 to an international pandemic. The rapid evolution of events, at the national and international levels, has required the adoption of immediate and effective regulatory measures to deal with ... Read more »
Recover your mortgage expenses

As you almost certainly know, the clause contained in 99% of Spanish mortgages for which all the expenses of formalization of the mortgage loan are imposed on the borrower, is an abusive clause and the amounts paid for several of these expenses can be claimed and Your amount recovered. The wording of this clause ... Read more »
Declared null the limitation interest clauses in mortgages. Asking the banks the refund of the overpaid to them

By Andreu & Alenda Abogados- The “clausulas suelo” , translated as limitation interest clauses, were included in most variable home mortgages, to put a minimum interest rate that the client should pay, regardless of what the Euribor eventually lowered. Variable interest was calculated adding a rate to the Euribor (the main benchmark for most… Read more »
Collection Companies

Do I have a certain debt? Who claims me that debt? Am I enrolled in a book of defaulters? Will my salary and my assets be garnished? Who else knows that I am in this situation? These and other questions are those constantly asked by people who receive various letters in their homes and numerous calls ... Read more »
IBERDROLA abusive practices

For some years, the electricity company IBERDROLA, through its distribution company, issues invoices to its customers for exorbitant amounts accusing them of having carried out a manipulation in their meter and having carried out a consumption higher than the subscriber, so that the company electric practices a subjective regularization in consumption ... Read more »
Friendly Accident Statement

We provide you with the friendly accident statement published by the DGT. It should be used as long as it is possible that there is an understanding among those involved. This part will subsequently be delivered to the insurance entities. Friendly part.pdf
Guidance tables to determine the child support allowances in family processes prepared by the CGPJ

At the proposal of the Working Group of Family Judges, the CGPJ has been working on the creation and provision of judges, magistrates, lawyers and citizens in general of these tables, understood as a guiding instrument adapted to the experiences in this area and prepared according to scientific bases with technical support ... Read more »
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